

The state of Tripura is producing certified seed of cauliflower through registered growers. Farmers are given training and technical guidance by the Horticulture Research Complex, Nagicerra. This programme is going successfully for last 5(five) years in the state. The seed produced by the registered growers are certified by the Tripura State Seed Certification Agency and procured by the Directorate of Horticulture of Horticulture & Soil Conservation for distributing among the farmers under different schemes.


Amrapali is a popular variety of Hybrid Mango. It was introduced in the state in the nineties of last century. But cultivation gained momentum with production of seedlings of Amrapali Mango in the private nurseries. Huge programme of area expansion is going on under Horticulture Mission for North East & Himalayan States and now plantation programme in FRA areas are also going on under MGNREGS.


Prior to the year 2009, nobody in Tripura ever thought of growing strawberry. Neither the experts of Horticulture Directorate of Tripura nor any farmer ever tried for growing straw berry until the year-2010. In the year 2010 Horticulture Research Complex (HRC), Nagicherra under Directorate of Horticulture & Soil Conservation, Tripura took initiative and tried growing of straw berry. Only 50 nos straw berry was planted under open field condition with poly mulching. But result was not encouraging as the crop was infected by several soil borne diseases. Still, nearly 25 nos plant managed to survive and gave fruits of good colour, moderate taste. In the next year also, the straw berry was taken with runners available from the last year’s plants. During this time soil was treated with disinfectant before planting, the result was very encouraging as the crop was disease free and gave good fruiting, although the fruits were of smaller size but colour was good with moderate taste. The Director of Horticulture & Soil Conservation, Tripura took the Additional Chief Secretary, Tripura to HRC, Nagicerra on 21-1-12.The A.C.S was convinced seeing the standing crop of straw berry there in and instructed to start growing of strawberry in the farmers field in very small scale initially during 2012-13. Accordingly, 8(eight) farmers were selected around the vicinity of H.R.C, Nagicherra by the Dy.Director of Horticulture,West Tripura. Strawberry cultivation in very small scale was taken up by these farmers under technical guidance of H.R.C, Nagicherra. Besides, H.R.C, Nagicherra also taken up cultivation of straw berry both in open field and under poly house. The result in the farmers’ field was mixed, as out of 8 nos farmers 6 farmers could produce strawberry successfully and in HRC, Nagicerra, the crop was better in poly house. This time the quality of berry was much superior may be due to use TC planting material of superior quality. Farmers’ are showing confidence to grow straw berry in future also. A plant on an average gave 350 grams to 600 grams berry of very good colour, taste was better than last years’ and also had good flavor. Farmers sold their straw berry in local market at rate of `160.0-`260.0 per kg in 250 gram poly packing. So, at this point for further expansion of cultivation it is felt that following factors are to be taken in to consideration for profitably growing straw berry in the state:- • Identification of better variety. • Standardization of cultivation practices. • Assistance for poly structure. • Credit linking. • Production of TC planting material locally. Initial success in production of straw berry has opened up a new horizon for economic development of farmers of Tripura.

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